Something for the weekend. A favorite from Courtney and Stan xoxo

We’re back with more fun from Shanan and Joe’s wedding at the San Francisco Zoo! Shanan and Joe’s wedding was greatly inspired by Alice in Wonderland with new influences from two of our favorite online wedding resources, Offbeat Bride and Style Me Pretty. With these eclectic sources at hand you can imagine how excited we were to arrive at the San Francisco Zoo on their wedding day!

Shanan describes, “I want the wedding to feel like you escaped into an Alice in Wonderland down the rabbit hole kind of place. A little wacky but magical.” We thought that sounded absolutely delightful! And when we arrived, we knew Shanan’s wedding was a dream come true.

We loved being able to spend some time with Joe, our handsome groom, before the wedding as well. Quality time with his groomsmen was a great way to ease some pre-ceremony nerves and we were so happy with the portraits and candids we captured with them at the San Francisco Zoo.

Guests were greeted by colorful and uniquely collaged signs pointing them towards the ceremony. All of the invitations and little details were handmade by Shanan herself or friends! We love a hands on DIY bride!

A gorgeous, quiet and contemplative moment with Shanan before the ceremony.

This beautiful couple was all smiles when they caught their first glimpse of each other at their San Francisco Zoo wedding ceremony!

We love being San Francisco wedding photographers because it allows us to visit unique venues like the San Francisco Zoo and witness such precious moments like the exchanging of the vows between couples as special as Shanan and Joe. We wouldn’t trade it for any other job in the world!

As the bride and groom kiss the crowd of friends and family rejoiced. We cannot wait to show off the unique San Francisco Zoo reception Shanan and Joe put together to celebrate their love with their guests in tomorrow’s post featuring work from some amazing vendors including a zebra and peacock inspired cake by Cake Coquette, the coordinated and catered reception by A Taste of the Wild, and flowers by Pico Soriano Designs!

  • Photographers Seo
  • Inspired Bride
  • Rock N Roll Bride
  • Style Me Pretty Little Black Book
  • The Bride\'s Cafe Featured Vendor
  • Design Aglow
  • Green Bride Guide
  • Brooklyn Bride Preferred Vendor