He saw her profile on MySpace and could not help himself but message her. His heart was thumping as he braved the flight from Long Beach to New York many months later just to see her. She then moved cross country to be with him and on New Years eve, he proposed to her. True to their personal style, they decided to have their wedding on the famous Queen Mary. His grandfather once served in the army and sailed on the very ship herself. Their colors were blue and brown, their theme was art deco romance with feather and bird accents. She designed her own beautiful feather and lily bouquet.
The room fell into a quiet hush as she finished putting her dress on. She was perfect, like a vision out of the past. With a flower pinned in her hair, she was ready. She walked down the aisle to their reception room and he was behind the door. He sprinted out of there avoiding a near accidental sighting!
Their ceremony was serene, attended by family and friends, some coming all the way from Miami and New York. The sunlight was just right and setting behind the big ship. Her sister stood by her side as they were pronounced man and wife by the captain of the ship.
Their party was filled with laughter and love; smiling faces behind lush peacock feather centerpieces. She smiled, full of hope and happiness, her eyes glistening. Everyone fell into quiet silence as he drew out his favorite guitar and sung their special song. He sang with the voice of a man in love and for a moment, it was just two people in one room and no one else existed.
Cristi and Rus, we have never had so much fun working at a wedding. The trip to Long Beach was well worth it and we thoroughly enjoyed our night with you. You two are so lucky to have found each other. And we are equally lucky to have found you; your style was incredible and you trusted us and gave us creative freedom. We pulled out all the stops for you two and are so in love with your images. We don’t know where to begin. What can we say about a couple that agreed to go down to the bowels of the ship and take photos with us at the haunted pool in pitch dark? Especially since no one else has ever shot wedding photos in the pool area.
Cristi, never stop telling Rus to quit making funny faces. Rus, never stop singing to Cristi her special song.
Rus, stop making that face!!
It was our special pleasure to be able to get special permission and visit the haunted pool. As we walked in the darkness, I was mesmerized by the beauty. The blue deco tiles came to live brilliantly and once again danced in our light. They once glowed in the distant past.
The beautiful picture perfect details of their brown and tiffany blue bird themed wedding.
If you guys don’t know about the Queen Mary, it’s worth looking up. It is rich with history. It is said to be one of the most actively haunted places in the U.S. She even has a paranormal research center on her. The pool we shot in is said to be extremely active with multiple sightings every day, a little girl that died is often seen carrying her teddy bear. It is said that there is a portal in the pool. We kid you not when we say one of us saw a shadow floating down the air in the hallway!! Of course, if you know us, you will know that we love abandoned and haunted places, so this was right up our alley =) Cristi, Rus, thanks so much for this adventure!